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import amqp from 'amqplib';
import uuid from 'uuid';
import sleep from './sleep';
import createLogger from './logger';
import winston from 'winston';

 * Core Microwork class that provides a way to create new microservice
export class Microwork {
     * Microwork class construct
     * @param  {object} opts                    Microwork instance options
     * @param  {string} opts.host               RabbitMQ host to use
     * @param  {string} opts.exchange           RabbitMQ exchange to use
     * @param  {Number} opts.reconnectTimeout   Timeout before trying to reconnect to RabbitMQ on failure
     * @return {void}
     * @example
     * const service = new Microwork({host: 'localhost', exchange: 'test.exchange'});
        host = 'localhost',
        exchange = 'microwork.default.exchange',
        reconnectTimeout = 5000,
    }) {
        // init logger
        // log
        this.logger.debug('construct with', host, exchange);
         * Service unique ID
         * @type {string}
        this.id = uuid.v4();
         * RabbitMQ host address
         * @type {string}
        this.host = host;
         * RabbitMQ exchange name
         * @type {string}
        this.exchange = exchange;
         * Active route handlers and queues
         * @type {Object}
        this.routeHandlers = {};
         * Connecting indicator
         * @type {Boolean}
         * @private
        this.connecting = false;
         * Connection to RabbitMQ instance
         * @type {Object}
         * @private
        this.connection = undefined;
         * Connection to RabbitMQ instance
         * @type {Object}
         * @private
        this.channel = undefined;
         * Reconnect timeout reference
         * @type {Number}
         * @private
        this.reconnect = undefined;
         * Reconnect timeout timer stored for later usage
         * @type {Number}
        this.reconnectTimeout = reconnectTimeout;
        // init connection

     * Initialize logger with new options
     * @param  {Object} transports   Logger options, see winston.js for reference
     * @return {void}
     * @private
    initLogger(transports = []) {
        if (transports.length === 0) {
            // only show info in production mode
            let level = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? 'info' : 'debug';
            // only show erros in test mode
            /* istanbul ignore if  */
            if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'test') {
                level = 'error';
            transports.push(new winston.transports.Console({level}));
         * Logger
         * @private
        this.logger = createLogger(transports);

    tryReconnect(e) {
        if (e.code === 'ECONNREFUSED' && !this.reconnect) {
            this.logger.info(`Couldn't connect to rabbit, retrying in ${Math.floor(this.reconnectTimeout / 1000)}s...`);
            this.connecting = false;
            this.reconnect = setTimeout(() => {
                this.reconnect = undefined;
            }, this.reconnectTimeout);
        this.logger.error('Error connecting:', e);
        throw e;

     * Register new Microwork plugin
     * @param  {Object} plugin      Microwork plugin object
     * @return {void}
     * @example
     * import myMicroworkPlugin from 'my-microwork-plugin';
     * microworkInstance.registerPlugin(myMicroworkPlugin);
    registerPlugin(plugin) {
        for (const prop in plugin) {
            // only apply non-existent properties
            if (!this.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
                 * New property from plugin
                 * @private
                this[prop] = plugin[prop];

     * Initializes connection to RabbitMQ
     * @param  {Boolean} calledFromTimer    Defines whether function was called from reconnect timer
     * @return {Promise}                    Returns promise that can be awaited to ensure connection
     * @private
    async connect(calledFromTimer = false) {
        // if not called from timer and reconnect pending - return self after delay
        if (!calledFromTimer && this.reconnect) {
            return sleep(this.reconnectTimeout).then(() => this.connect());
        // if connecting, wait a bit, then return self
        if (this.connecting) {
            return sleep(50).then(() => this.connect());
        // do not do anything if already connected
        if (this.connection) {
            return true;

        // we're connecting
        this.connecting = true;
        // connect
        this.connection = await amqp.connect(`amqp://${this.host}`);
        this.logger.debug('connected to rabbit');
        // get two channels - receive and send
        this.channel = await this.connection.createChannel();
        this.logger.debug('got channels');
        // assing topic
        await this.channel.assertExchange(this.exchange, 'topic');
        this.logger.debug('got exchanges');
        // say we want to prefetch only 1 msg
        await this.channel.prefetch(1);
        this.logger.debug('prefetch set');
        // we're done connecting
        this.connecting = false;

     * Removes existing subscription or worker.
     * If consumerTag is given only corresponding subscription will be removed.
     * Otherwise, all consumers for given topic will be terminated.
     * @param  {string} topic         Topic to remove subscription/worker from
     * @param  {string} consumerTag   Consumer tag to unsubscribe with
     * @return {Promise} Returns promise that can be awaited to ensure removal
     * @example <caption>Remove one subscription with consumerTag</caption>
     * await microworkInstance.unsubscribe('test.topic', 'tag');
     * @example <caption>Remove all subscriptions with topic</caption>
     * await microworkInstance.unsubscribe('test.topic');
    async unsubscribe(topic, consumerTag) {
        // if we have consumerTag - only unsub from it
        if (consumerTag) {
            // find index
            const subIndex = this.routeHandlers[topic].findIndex(it => it.consumerTag === consumerTag);
            // cancel consuming
            await this.channel.cancel(consumerTag);
            // remove from subs
            this.routeHandlers[topic].splice(subIndex, 1);
        // cancel consuming
        await Promise.all(this.routeHandlers[topic].map(it => this.channel.cancel(it.consumerTag)));
        // remove whole topic
        delete this.routeHandlers[topic];

     * Stops the service, closes all workers/subscriptions and terminates the connection to RabbitMQ
     * @return {Promise} Returns promise that can be awaited to ensure termination
     * @example
     * await microworkInstance.stop();
    async stop() {
        if (!this.connection && this.reconnect) {
            this.logger.debug('not connected, cleaning reconnect timeout');
        // cleanup queues and routes if any are present
        const paths = Object.keys(this.routeHandlers);
        if (paths.length) {
            await Promise.all(paths.map(path => this.unsubscribe(path)));
        // close channel & connection
        await this.channel.close();
        await this.connection.close();

     * Send given data to the specified topic
     * @param  {string} topic Topic to send data to
     * @param  {Any}    data  Data to send
     * @param  {Object} opts  Publish options for RabbitMQ
     * @return {Promise}      Returns promise that can be awaited to ensure termination
     * @example
     * await microworkInstance.send('test.topic', 'test');
     * await microworkInstance.send('test.topic', {json: 'works too'});
    async send(topic, data = '', opts = {}) {
        // wait for connection
        await this.connect();
        // send
        this.logger.debug('sending to', topic, 'data:', data);
        this.channel.publish(this.exchange, topic, new Buffer(JSON.stringify(data)), opts);

     * Create subscription to given topic that will pass all incoming messages to given handler
     * @param  {string}   topic          Topic to subscribe to
     * @param  {Function} handler        Handler function that will get all incoming messages
     * @param  {Object}   queueConfig    Queue config to pass to RabbitMQ
     * @param  {Object}   consumeConfig  Consume config to pass to RabbitMQ
     * @param  {Object}   config         Config for subscriber (e.g. wether to auto-ack messages)
     * @return {string}                  Consumer tag that can be used for more precise unsubscribe action
     * @example <caption>Simple subscribe usage</caption>
     * await microworkInstance.subscribe('test.topic', (msg, reply) => {
     * 	if (msg === 'ping') {
     * 		reply('test.reply', 'pong');
     * 	}
     * });
     * @example <caption>Subscribe with custom RabbitMQ options</caption>
     * await microworkInstance.subscribe('test.topic', (msg, reply) => {
     * 	if (msg === 'ping') {
     * 		reply('test.reply', 'pong');
     * 	}
     * }, {durable: true, autoDelete: true, exclusive: true});
     * @example <caption>Subscribe without auto-ack</caption>
     * await microworkInstance.subscribe('test.topic', (msg, reply, ack, nack) => {
     * 	if (msg === 'ping') {
     * 		ack();
     * 		reply('test.reply', 'pong');
     * 	} else {
     * 		nack();
     * 	}
     * }, {}, {}, {ack: false});
    async subscribe(
        queueConfig = {},
        consumeConfig = {},
        config = {}
    ) {
        // merge queueConfig with defaults
        queueConfig = {
            durable: true,
            autoDelete: true,
        // merge consumeConfig with defaults
        consumeConfig = {
            noAck: false,
        // merge config with defaults
        config = {
            ack: true,
        // wait for connection
        await this.connect();
        // get queue
        this.logger.debug('adding worker for:', topic);
        const {queue} = await this.channel.assertQueue(`microwork-${topic}-queue`, queueConfig);
        await this.channel.bindQueue(queue, this.exchange, topic);
        this.logger.debug('bound queue...');
        // consume if needed
        this.logger.debug('initiating consuming...');
        // listen for messages
        const {consumerTag} = await this.channel.consume(queue, data => {
            if (!data) {
            const msg = JSON.parse(data.content.toString());
            // ack
            if (config.ack) {
            // pass to handler
            const reply = this.send.bind(this);
            const ack = this.channel.ack.bind(this.channel, data);
            const nack = this.channel.nack.bind(this.channel, data);
            handler(msg, reply, ack, nack);
        }, consumeConfig);
        // push to cleanup
        if (!this.routeHandlers[topic]) {
            this.routeHandlers[topic] = [];
        this.logger.info('worker inited, consuming...');
        return consumerTag;